Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Whew! What a day...

Well my day started off normal enough, with me driving to Mandeville for my manager training class, but things took a turn for the worst as I was heading home and had a tire blow out on the interstate! Luckily I managed to keep control of the car and pull off the road, and then proceeded with changing the tire. The good news is that my rim didn’t get messed up and I was back on the road again in about 30 minutes, with no harm done, well except some scraped knuckles from jacking up the car! Itai! いたい! Ouch! I had to put on the little spare tire that comes with the car, but my car has after market rims on all the other tires, so now it looks really funny with one small tire! Okashii おかしい。Here’s a picture of the aftermath...


After with the “Little” tire...

Hope my luck is better tomorrow, mata ashita! Noah

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